Farewell to the Class 143 Units

We understand from GWR that they are planning to run the Class 143 units for the final time today – Saturday 13th December. With the timetable change coming into effect tomorrow, these units will no longer be diagramed on the Avocet Line.

Under a derogation from the Department for Transport, which enabled the units to be used this year even though they do not comply with the requirements of disability legislation, the Class 143s have been running in formation with Class 150 units to ensure services are accessible for persons of reduced mobility.

GWR is now running more Class 166 Turbo units on the Avocet line. Additional Castle Class units (refurbished and reduced length HST units) are also working in the area. The arrival of these additional units means the Pacers, which have been a familiar sight in this area, can now be retired.

Please see some pictures taken on Saturday 12th December at Exmouth Station by Tony Jackson

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