6 July 2020: Timetable changes to increase services

Please see below an email from GWR setting out their plans to increase services from Monday 6th July.

We promised to keep you informed about changes to our services to support the re-opening of local and regional economies. 

From Monday (6th July) we will be introducing more services and we will be operating around 84% of our normal timetable.   Network Rail have updated online journey planners and customers can check individual journeys on https://www.gwr.com/travel-updates/check-your-journey.

Our teams are now working on a further timetable uplift for September which should bring us back closer to a normal timetable across the GWR network. We continue to undertake a busy programme of enhancement works on the railway so service patterns will continue to change from time to time to accommodate these.

We are seeing an increase in rail travel as more businesses re-open. We are asking customers to wear a face covering, book tickets in advance and travel off peak if they can. We have social distancing markers and signs at stations and Network Rail are also providing hand sanitiser at stations they manage. You may also have seen that we are using a new overnight virucidal sanitiser alongside our additional cleaning regimes. 

We know how important a stable and reliable rail service is for our customers and our communities and our teams are working hard together, to make sure we deliver a safe, efficient railway to support your efforts.  If there are areas you want us to look at more closely, please do let us know.  

It is important to us that rail plays its full role in the local and regional recovery and we both want to work with you to do that“. 

As always, please check train times before you travel, and follow all guidance both at stations and on trains. In particular, the law requires you to wear a face covering when travelling on public transport.

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